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Higher Power?

Pastor Jim Kilby • Feb 06, 2024

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14, NKJV)


I’m working with a young person who has been hospitalized three times during the last few months.  They have really strong anxiety issues which drive them to a place where they feel completely out of control.  When I dig down to understand what’s the catalyst for all of this anxiety, the reasons are myriad:  Gender identify issues, suicidal ideation, unresolved anger against parents, siblings, friends, teachers, etc., etc.  During their hospital stays, psychiatrists and counselors recommend one drug or another to solve the problems.  As you can imagine, drugs won’t help with the real issues behind the anxiety.  The bottom line is this young person refuses to even consider a thought of a “higher power”.  Talks of Jesus’ are met with laughs and smug replies.  They seem to think they’ve got it all figured out, when in reality, they have nothing figured out.  Their life is a mess!

When I think about all this further, I realize this exact situation seems to be where the whole world is.  Young people are surrounded by drug abuse and addiction.  The recent legalization of marijuana in many States, including Ohio, isn’t helping with that either.  Instead of looking to God for knowledge, many young people are happier to spend their days vaping, drinking and fornicating.  And why wouldn’t they? Isn’t that what virtually every media source points them to?  Godlessness abounds!  Thanks to laws rapidly changing in Ohio and other states, abortion is now a constitutional right and abortion pills are “on demand”.  Last month in Ohio, our Republican Governor went against his own party, vetoing a bill that would have made gender reassignment surgery illegal.  Now, the opposite is true. When you think about it, hardly anything is getting better for young people.  Potential jobs are being automated. The economy seems to be in crisis.  The cost of higher education doubles again and again. Thanks to hard hearts and no-fault divorce, families are as broken as they’ve ever been.  Even those raised in good churches are not immune.  And so, our mission continues.  And while we can’t help everybody, we can help those the Lord brings into our circles.  The Gospel remains the only answer that will change a heart, a soul, and an all eternity!  Thank you for your prayers and support in so many ways.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Jim Kilby

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By Pastor Jim Kilby 01 May, 2024
"When he (Satan) lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44b (NIV) Dear Friends, I got a call from a young woman last week who was wondering why a beautiful butterfly had landed on her arm for a brief moment the day before. She wanted to know if I’d help her figure out which of her late relatives had visited. She had earlier posted the same question on social media and a flurry of “keyboard spiritualists” had convinced her she’d been visited by her grandmother who recently passed. For better or worse, I can be pretty blunt when I’m speaking the Truth to lies. And so I said, “You were visited by a beautiful bug!”. We went on to discuss how Jesus made it clear no one can pass from this life and then come back (Luke 16:19-31) (with the obvious exceptions of when He was involved in bringing someone back from the dead). I don’t think she actually believed me, but that’s likely because lies like this are so ingrained in our culture. What’s more, lots of well-meaning and sympathetic people who want to comfort grieving hearts perpetuate these lies without realizing they actually come from anti-Christian “new age” religions. What’s probably the saddest thing, in my opinion, is that so many young people have been so insulated from actual Biblical truth for so long, when they see it, they either immediately discount it or refuse to even listen. But some might ask me, does it really matter if she believes her grandmother visited her in the form of a butterfly. Yes, it does. Because it’s a lie, and all lies come from a root of evil. And… because it works against the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been quite clear with us: “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:27-28 Blessings in Christ, Pastor Jim Kilby
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